Maritime Italy

It always begins for me with an idea. I have literally thousands of ideas. So many ideas, in fact, that my family says that the four scariest words in the universe are when I say “I have an idea”. But I digress.

I have always loved maps. I think I may have been a sailor in a former life. But, again, I digress. The body of work in which this piece is included began with the idea of incorporating reproduction vintage maps into my mixed media pieces. So, I bought a bunch of vintage map reproductions and began. This piece was based on a map of ancient Italian maritime routes. The map was secured to a wooden cradle panel—sort of like a stretched canvas but made of wood. Then I decided on the color palette I wanted to use for the piece and printed and painted papers to coordinate with that palette. Finally, I looked through the bits and pieces of things I have accumulated through the years—looking for postcards, stamps, Italian images, Italian text from books, magazines—literally anything that could be collated onto the map to evoke a sense of Italy.

Once the materials were assembled, the fun began. This is an extremely zen process for me. I just adhered the bits and pieces and printed and painted papers in random, unplanned shapes onto the map. I edited the entire piece with acrylic paint and ink to eliminate some of the “busyness” of the original version.

And, viola, “Maritime Italy” resulted.


When can you call yourself an artist?


Beaded Koi I